How it started, How it's Going

Somehow I have lost track of time. The world is opening up and we are returning to work. And soon I will be too. This pandemic started with me not knowing how the world was going to end. I didn’t know what the coronavirus or COVID was, I just knew that I lost my job, almost my home, and my sense of self. It’s crazy busy this year with writers packets due and auditions in the air, but I AM READY. I have booked (and filmed) a couple of appearances on Epicurious, my first radio spot as a professional VO artist, as well as a couple of audiobooks. So praying for bookings and blessings.

What A year ...WOW!

Here we are, headed out of 2020 FINALLY…this year has and still is not normal. We are living during a pandemic but I am grateful. I am healthy, have a roof over my head, and a new agent…things are looking up.

Scoot Scoot is now a digital team and I’m doing one long video a month and the editing while challenging, it’s just new media and the way of the world let’s do the damn thing.

Introducing Scoot Scoot...I'm on a HOUSE TEAM Y'all

I’m so pumped to announce that I am now a proud member of a P.I.T House Sketch Team. The folks at The PIT (People’s Improv Theater) are second to none. The director is super supportive and wicked smart. You are gonna love THIS team and show. When is the show you ask:




I even wrote a little something for the show. Come see!

Happy New Year..2020 the year of the BODY THAT BOOKS

It’s a New Year and same old me…well not as much of me but you get the picture. At my heaviest I was well over 300 pounds , well over 325, more like 345…and now I am under 200. However this is only the middle of my journey as I want to lose 60 pounds this year, and hopefully find a way to not only share my journey but help others.

This body is a healthy, happier body and is officially known as The BODY that Books! I am claiming that in 2020.

100 Pounds DOWN!!!!

100 Pounds DOWN!!!!

And well here we are

It’s December and you have heard barely a peep from me, but I’ve been busy: did a reading in late October, started training for a new department at the survival gig in November, and completing UCB’s Sketch 201. One more class left. And I promise more updates in the New Year.

On a positive note, I’m working on my first major tv show next week as an actor. It will be nice to be back in front of the camera.

I am a Sketchy Wench... Sketch Writing, Classes and More

We are talking figuratively people as I LOVE comedy, and in particular sketch show. I mean who doesn’t love a good comedy? Miserable people that who…don’t be like them. Laugh dammit.

Currently I’m in Sketch 201 at UCB, after completing the Improv 101-401 series, as well as Sketch 101, auditioning for a UCB House (Maude Team), as well as writing and filming my (and others) sketches as well.

I’m so excited for this upcoming venture. And extremely excited to continue on my character work. For my Maude submission I used three characters (Whitney Witch, Incog Negro, and Annie 2019). I am having so much fun with these girls, and can’t wait to bring them to life on a stage near you.